Tuesday, 12 September 2006

Quilted chaps

     One of my current projects is a pair of quilted chaps. I got the idea one day when I ran across some fabulous cotton lamé batik fabric. I of course bought lots of fabric and immediately began work on a design. I soon decided that the fabulous batiks had to be quilted and began looking for a proper quilt pattern. I decided on the friendship star pattern which I saw in the book The Quilt Makers Gift. It's a beautiful but simple quilt which I feel will look great on these chaps and stars and glitter just seem to go well together.      I soon ran into problems though. Namely in the fringe. I had decided on braided fringe made from the lamé going down the leg, but soon found that it was almost impossible to fold strips of the lamé. And there the project stood for over a year.      Then a couple of weeks ago it occurred to me that I could use metallic ribbon, still braided of course, for the fringe. So I got the fabric out of storage and began working up the design again.      Currently I see two problems. The first, and most important is that I seem to have barely not enough fabric, and of course the fabric is no longer to be found. But I looked hard, and have found some lamé that matches the blue wood grain like pattern in a nice shade of green. It runs about $10/yd, and a yard is way more than I'll need.      The second problem is the ribbon. I have looked around and I have found one source that seems promising. Some nice hand dyed ribbons with metallic edges. The only problem is that I figure I need around 120 yards and the ribbon starts at $0.50/yd. That's just way more than I want to pay for 6' of fringe at the moment. But at least I know it's possible, so now to finish quilting the squares. Have fun. You know I will. Darcie

Sunday, 13 August 2006

Knitting and such

    I've been thinking, I need to get me an ounce or so of camel hair soon. Hmm, I wonder if the Llama Store is open today. Well anyways, I have this cross stitch I want to do, see? And it has 3 camels on it. So, of course I have decided to do them with camel. And I have learned how to spin, so now I can get camel hair, and then spin it to the right size, and dye it the right colors and then I can do my cross-stitch. Hmm. I wonder if camel comes in different colors? And should I dye it before spinning, or after? These are all things that will have to be decided.

    I'm almost done with the second sleeve on my sweater, then just to finish the body and I'll be done. It's really looking great and I'm really really happy with the feel of the wool yarn. I'm just so use to wool sweaters feeling horrible that I was a bit worried.

    Once I finish the sweater I can start on my other knitting projects. I want to knit a pair of socks. I also want to knit a vest. And I want to figure out a pattern for a 1" wide lace ribbon, I'll use it for a book mark. :D

    I also am working on writing a book. I've been working on this for 2 years now. It's taking me longer than I thought it would to learn how to write. Hmm. I need to figure out a name for this book sometime, maybe soon, hmm.

Well enough for now.